Friday, August 21, 2015

My first blog post....ever!

Since I started school for nutritional science I wanted to start a blog. I was not sure exactly how I wanted it to flow but I loved the idea of sharing what I learn with others who are interested and to better my knowledge and understanding. When someone finds out that I have a background in personal training and a degree in nutrtion, the questions just come. So a blog is a way to help me teach and learn.

 Living a healthy lifestyle is very important to me and became more important when I found out that I was pregnant with my first child.  At the time I was a personal trainer at Golds Gym, while I had the exercise part down my nutrition was way off.  I lived off of Top Ramen, dehydrated potatoes, and oatmeal cream cookies. I had that mentality of I can eat whatever I want as long as I exercise.   My husband would laugh at me because I was a trainer who had the most unhealthiest diet but lets face it just because you have a background in exercise does not mean you know anything about nutrition.

Going to school has really opened my eyes on the importance of how food effects our bodies in both good and bad ways.  Now for the majority of the time I try to eat with a purpose.  When I eat healthy I have lots of energy,I am happy and just feel good about myself.  Of course I have days where I go crazy and eat whatever I want but those days become fewer as I learn the importance of healthy eating habits.

I am excited to finally start this blog since I have been thinking about it for a few years now.  But since I finally finished school I have time to do it! 


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