Thursday, September 29, 2016

step 3

step 3

Whole Foods

by kellijo

What has really helped me clean up the way I eat is throwing out all the processed foods such as artificial flavors and artificial colors, and started having the majority of my food intake be whole foods.  Remember I live by the 80/20 rule because I don’t have to eat perfect all of the time just 80% of the time. What are whole foods?  It pretty simple,  whole foods are those that are as close to natural as possible where nothing harmful has been added (chemical preservatives) or nothing has been taken away (striping the food of nutrients that our bodies need).  

Changing the way we eat is not easy but it can be done.  One book that I got while I was getting my degree in nutrition science is called A Whole Foods Primer.

The book really helped me to understand whole foods and why consuming them is so important.  I highly recommend reading it.  The more I understand how our bodies work and function the more I want to take care of mine.  I love myself and am very thankful for my body.  I like to show thanks by my actions.  How can I show how grateful I am for my body if I don’t take care of it?   Knowledge really is power!

                So what can you eat if you change to whole foods? Well it is really basic and simple. Whole foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nutrient-dense nuts and seeds and protein.  No fast food and no already made frozen foods.

The biggest complaint I hear from people when they diet or start to change habits is that eating healthy is boring and gross.  Well if you are only eating chicken and vegies and are restricting yourself than it is boring and gross. I eat delicious foods with lots of flavor.  My kids love it when I cook.  They are always telling me that I make the best dinners. We eat pasta, steak, hamburgers, soups….the list goes on and on.  But it is lean, organic meats and whole pastas with fruits and lots of vegetables.  

When it comes to changing your diet, just start adding healthy and start the process to eliminate the bad.  Change does not always happen overnight.  It is not easy to be healthy when we live in a society that has fast food restaurants on every corner and in grocery stores. I get that fast food is convenient, easy, and cheap but the truth is that is very harmful to our bodies.  Many of the things that we buy in grocery stores is also harmful to our bodies because of the chemicals and high sodium intake.  My advice to you is to add more vegetable to your dinners.  I mean pile on those vegies and have them for every dinner.  Make fruits and nuts your snacks instead of doughnuts and chips. Eat 100% whole grains instead of white breads.  And drink water…lots of it.  When you start with little changes you will see results. Your body will start craving those healthy foods.  You will feel better about yourself and gain confidence.

I hope this helps and if you have any questions send me a message! I love to help.

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