Monday, May 30, 2016

Portion Distortion

By Kellijo Eccleston

Understanding correct serving sizes can be a bit confusing.  We all have heard of serving sizes and that we need to eat the correct amount of serving sizes but what is the correct amount?  Have you ever heard of the term portion distortion?  I didn’t know what that was until I was looking into serving sizes.  Portion distortion is when we eat large amount of portion sizes thinking that it is normal.    I know that I over eat and it is something that I have to work on.  But let’s face it; it is way too easy to overeat in our society because everything is oversized.  Just in the last 30 years portion sizes have increased dramatically.  In the 1980’s if you were to go to a restaurant and order fries it would have been around 210 calories.  Now it is 610 calories. Just because portion sizes of increased dramatically does not mean that our waistlines can handle it!  Check out how much these foods have changed since the 1980s.

Serving Sizes: Then and Now
Food or beverage
1980s (calories)
Today (calories)
Turkey sandwich
320 calories
820 calories
French fries
210 calories
610 calories
140 calories
350 calories
Slice of pizza
500 calories
850 calories
85 calories
250 calories

       I for one have a hard time going out to eat and ordering anything small. I really don’t know of very many people who do go out to eat and just orders small meals or doesn’t get refills.  But we all should!  If I go to Wendy’s and get the asiago chicken ranch meal that comes with a large drink and large fries that would be 1580 calories.  The average person is on a 2100 calorie per day diet. That means I can only eat 520 more calories.  If I get the same meal in a small it is 1120 calories.  That is still a lot, it is a little better but I would still be eating 2 to 3 serving sizes in one meal!  No wonder people have a hard time losing weight. No wonder I am having a hard time losing that muffing top! You can also fall victim to portion distortion even if you didn’t eat fast food and are eating healthy.  There are certain healthy dinners that I make and I know I over eat but I have no will power.  If something is good I go crazy and eat and eat and eat.  Then I get mad at myself when I cannot lose that few pounds I have been working so hard on to lose.  You can work out at the gym everyday but if you are overeating then you will not make your goals.  Losing weight or getting amazing abs and toned body is 20% gym and 80% diet.
*I know it is not easy or realistic to eat healthy all of the time or to never over eat.  Here are some helpful ideas that I use to help me keep my portion sizes in check.
*Always order small meals when eating out.  Order off of the kids menu when you can to keep the calories down as much as possible.
*If at a restaurant ask for a to-go container before you get the meal.  When your order arrives, take at least half of the meal and put it away immediately so you do not overeat.
*Try splitting  meals with someone else.  (This is tough for me.  Anyone that knows me knows I will not split a meal but I am working on it!)
*Always pack a lunch so you do not have to go out.
*Measure out your food until you get the idea of what a serving size actually looks like
*Look at the serving size on the back of the package on everything you eat so you know how many serving sizes are actually in a package.  Don’t eat a whole bag of chips or a whole bag of candy. 

One of my favorite websites is  If you haven’t checked it out I would recommend that you do.  It is easy to use and you can find out what serving sizes you need in all of the food groups.  You can also use supertracker which helps you plan your diet, tracks your diet, and tracks your physical activity. But if you do not want to go to the website I have the charts right here!  I use these charts all the time.  I have them printed up in my kitchen so that everyone in the family can see how much they need to eat every day to stay healthy.  Hope this helps out you guys.  Try not to fall victim to portion distortion!  

Daily Fruit TABLE
Daily Recommendation*
2-3 years old
4-8 years old
1 cup
1 to 1 ½ cups
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
1 ½ cups
1 ½ cups
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
1 ½ cups
2 cups
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
2 cups
1 ½ cups
1 ½ cups
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
2 cups
2 cups
2 cups

Daily Vegetable Table
Daily Recommendation*
2-3 years old
4-8 years old
1 cup
1 ½ cups
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
2 cups
2 ½ cups
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
2 ½ cups
3 cups
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
2 ½ cups
2 ½ cups
2 cups
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
3 cups
3 cups
2 ½ cups

Daily Grain Table

Daily minimum amount of whole grains
2-3 years old
4-8 years old
3 ounce equivalents
5 ounce equivalents
1 ½ ounce equivalents
2 ½ ounce equivalents
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
5 ounce equivalents
6 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
6 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
6 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
8 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
4 ounce equivalents
½ ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents

Daily protein foods table
Daily recommendation*
2-3 years old
4-8 years old
2 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
5 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
5 ounce equivalents
½ ounce equivalents
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
5 ½ ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
6 ½ ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
½ ounce equivalents

Daily Grain Table

Daily minimum amount of whole grains
2-3 years old
4-8 years old
3 ounce equivalents
5 ounce equivalents
1 ½ ounce equivalents
2 ½ ounce equivalents
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
5 ounce equivalents
6 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
9-13 years old
14-18 years old
6 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
6 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
3 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
8 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents
4 ounce equivalents
½ ounce equivalents
 ounce equivalents

Daily Dairy table
Daily recommendation
2-3 years old
2 cups
19-30 years old
3 cups
4-8 years old
2 ½ cups
31-50 years old
3 cups
9-13 years old
3 cups
51+ years old
3 cups
14-18 years old
3 cups
19-30 years old
3 cups
9-13 years old
3 cups
31-50 years old
3 cups
14-18 years old
3 cups
51+ years old
3 cups


Daily Allowance oils

2-3 years old
4-8 years old
3 teaspoons
4 teaspoons

9-13 years old
14-18 years old
5 teaspoons
5 teaspoons

9-13 years old
14-18 years old
5 teaspoons
6 teaspoons

19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
6 teaspoons
5 teaspoons
5 teaspoons

19-30 years old
31-50 years old
51+ years old
7 teaspoons
6 teaspoons
6 teaspoons

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sleepless nights



Sleepless Nights
By Kellijo Eccleston

     Over the past few weeks my little KaydeeJo has not wanted to sleep at night.  It all started out with her getting a cold.  Since she was congested she had a hard time sleeping and wanted me to hold her all night.    And to be honest, I wanted to hold her so that I knew she was breathing okay. I am such a worrier when my kids are sick.  Plus, I love holding and snuggling my babies while they sleep. I know that this phase in life will not last long so I am just going to soak it in.  My little lady slept against my chest for about a couple weeks. This cold just did not want to go away!  Once she finally started to feel better and could breathe better I thought that she would go back to sleep in her crib, but I was wrong!  Miss KaydeeJo still wants to sleep with me and has kept me up at night for going on three weeks now. She wants me to hold her but she soon gets uncomfortable. So I try putting her in her crib but as soon as I lie here down she just scream sand does not stop. I have very stubborn kids! And since I have never been the type of parent to just let my kids cry it out, I know it will take some time for her to adjust and  I will have to deal with more sleepless nights. So, in the meantime, I need to do whatever it takes to keep my energy up just so I can make it through the day.  Here is what I do to keep my energy levels up for when I am running on little sleep to no sleep.

    Drink water as soon as I am up for the day. While water does not give you energy it does keep you hydrated. Staying hydrated throughout the day will give you energy.  When you dehydrate yourself you start to feel very lethargic so keep that water in your system.  I always keep a water bottle with me so I have no excuses. I never use energy drinks, caffeinated drinks, or drinks that contain lots of sugar.  These will only make you crash and will not keep your energy up throughout the day.

   drink a protein shake first thing in the morning.  Getting a good breakfast is very important. It will help spike your metabolism and get you going.  Since I usually have to eat on the go a shake is perfect for me.  Stay away from breakfast that are full of sugar and have no nutritional value.  You want your food to work for you.  Make sure you are getting enough carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins.  Some other ideas for breakfast are oatmeal with fruit, yogurt and granola, and eggs with vegies.

    Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!  When I am tired the last thing that I want to do is workout but exercise does increase your energy.  Exercise increase blood flow and carries oxygen and nutrients to muscles which helps muscles to produce more energy.  

     Stay positive. When I wake up and just dwell on the fact that I got no sleep it puts me in a bad mood and I am grumpy all day.  I tend to have no patience and I snap at everyone. I not only ruin my day but everyone else’s.  If I wake up with a positive attitude and do not feel sorry for myself it just makes for a better day. Just remember that there will always be another night for sleep. I want to make each day count and I do not have time to feel sorry for myself. Life is meant to be lived.  Who cares about loss of sleep?!